We are proud to announce that EWE Building Plastics will be supporting the Teenage Cancer Trust as our charity of the year 2020.

Every day 7 young people aged 13-24 are told they have cancer and are often left scared and isolated as their life is thrown into chaos. Teenage Cancer Trust is the only UK charity that is solely focused on supporting them.
They have built 28 specialist units across the UK, fund specialist nurses and youth co-ordinators and are now building a nursing and support programme that allows young people the choice of being treated in their local hospital or at home.
What can our fundraising can pay for?

Help us help Teenage Cancer Trust reach more young people as currently for every 1 person they reach 1 person will miss out.
We will be raising money throughout the year from in branch donations, raffles and our great employees will be taking part in a variety of events from 5 a side football to a 24 hour team run.

Find out more about Teenage Cancer Trust here.